Denise Pinkston
Denise Pinkston has over 30 years of experience in real estate and development including acquisitions, asset and construction management, marketing, leasing, planning/entitlements, transit and green building, planning management, housing policy, and public affairs.
Previously, Ms. Pinkston directed Current Planning, Code Enforcement, Housing, and Redevelopment as the Marin County Planning Services Coordinator. Ms. Pinkston has been an instructor in real estate and planning at both San Francisco State University and Mills College. Ms. Pinkston has recently served as Board Chair of MVGO and EmeryGoRound shuttles; Chair Bay Area Council Housing Committee; Chair &Vice Chair Berkeley Zoning Board; Moderator, MTC Committee to House the Bay Area (CASA); Member SPUR Housing Committee; Technical advisor on State bills to ease rules for housing and ADUs.