Join us in our mission to make California an equitable place to call home


Why become a member? Add your voice to the coalition and support our work:

What kind of membership is right for me?


I’m a middle housing/ADU business

We welcome all ADU and middle housing-related businesses to join Casita Coalition! Your member dues give you access to our many tools & resources while helping inform our work, etc. From factory ADU builders with hundreds of employees to sole proprietor businesses, there's a membership level for you.

 I’m an individual

Individuals with sole-proprietorship middle housing-related businesses can sign up at our Sole Proprietor business level. If you're an individual interested in supporting our work in general and following the middle housing story, the Friends of Casita Individual membership is for you.

I’m a nonprofit

Nonprofits can get involved and stay up to date with small home news and Casita Coalition activities at a discount.

 Casita Coalition’s membership tiers are built to accommodate all kinds of businesses and organizations. Determine which tier is right for you before joining the coalition - and feel free to email with any questions about our membership structure.

Business Membership Levels

Individual & Nonprofit Membership Levels

 I think Casita Coalition is a terrific organization that is making a real impact.

- William Huang, Housing Director, City of Pasadena

The Casita Coalition is an incredible resource and a critical partner.

- David Zisser, Assistant Deputy Director for Local Government Relations HCD

Casita Coalition makes it easy for me to stay in the loop on legislative updates.

- Anonymous business member


What your membership supports


Identifying and responding to new middle housing barriers


Improving local processes by sharing best practices


Providing free information for homeowners, practitioners, and policymakers


Creating a strong network of middle housing advocates


Lowering housing costs by supporting innovation in the industry


Protecting middle housing through legislation monitoring and recommendations