Last week, Casita Coalition invited Sen. Nancy Skinner and friends for a tour of multifamily ADU projects in Northern California’s East Bay region, where they visited ADUs developed by Casita members Villa Homes and AvalonBay Communities and friends of Casita.
Casita Coalition is pleased to announce the Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) and middle housing bills we’re sponsoring and supporting this year. We extend our gratitude to the California State Senators and Assemblymembers who advocate for housing solutions.
Today we celebrate that California has permitted more than 100,000 ADUs across the state over the last seven years. The California Department of Housing and Community Development’s dashboard of Annual Progress Reports reflects this incredible milestone with data reported by California cities and counties.
AARP & APA’s guide to Expanding ADU Production provides helpful guidance for ADU advocates at various stages of reform, dividing the common local obstacles into four categories: political, regulatory, procedural and financial.
We were thrilled to welcome this panel of ADU and middle housing leaders from across North America to share their success strategies at our July webinar. For more detail, watch the recording on our YouTube channel or check out the slides on our webinar library page.
These California-based companies are making a big difference by lowering construction costs and timelines, making it even easier to deliver housing to the communities that need it most.
These are a few of the current stories we’re following from all over the U.S. - at the state and local level - that are moving missing middle housing forward.
Neighborhood Partnership Housing Services, a HUD-approved nonprofit community development organization, is working on several projects that use factory-built housing and small housing to expand homeownership within the Inland Empire.
Casita Board Member and Smart Share Housing Solutions Executive Director, Anne Wyatt, shares about Smart Share’s latest small housing awareness project: an ambassador Tiny House on Wheels (THOW) showing how livable and cost-effective small homes can be.
The growing acceptance and adoption of ADUs has generated an important question: how can appraisers best approach the valuation of properties with these units? Vice President of the Appraisal Institute Sandra Adomatis addresses this question and proposes several solutions in this peer-reviewed white paper.