Neighborhood-scale homes hold the key to affordable housing.

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What makes neighborhood-scale homes such a big deal?

Offer homeowners choice

Neighborhood-scale homes offer choice and inclusion that can help homeowners afford to stay in a neighborhood they love by sharing their property.

Extra income

Additional income generated from renting an ADU can help supplement family budgets, pay the mortgage, or retire with more security

Give families flexibility

ADUs are a great option for families looking to help seniors age, shelter family members in need, or live intergenerationally.


Build and preserve community

By creating and renting ADUs, homeowners can house essential community members that might otherwise be priced out of a neighborhood.

Build wealth

ADUs make it easier to afford to own property, and property ownership builds intergenerational wealth.

Naturally affordable 

ADUs - and some other forms of neighborhood-scale housing - are less expensive to build and rent compared with other options in the market.



Neighborhood-scale homes range from ADUs to duplexes, triplexes, and more

Casita Coalition was founded in 2019 to help housing professionals take advantage of new legislation that would allow widespread ADU implementation across the State and to encourage more neighborhood-scale housing and missing middle housing of all types - including multi-unit buildings like duplexes and cottage clusters.