Advisory Board

Casita Coalition’s advisory board is a group of experts from diverse sectors and parts of the state whose expertise helps us chart a path forward.

Ada Chan, ABAG

Caitlin Bigelow, Maxable Space

Carol Galante, Terner Center for Housing Innovation

Dana Cuff, UCLA

Darin Ranelletti, City of Oakland

Hank Levy, Alameda County

Heather Peters, Former CA Deputy Secretary for Housing

Kathy Michalak, Habitat for Humanity of Riverside County

Mardie Oakes, Hello Housing

Matthew Glesne, City of Los Angeles

Michael Lane, SPUR

Renee Schomp, Napa Sonoma ADU

Rob Berry, ADU Homes

Steven Dietz, United Dwelling, Inc.

Steve Vallejos, Valley Home Development

Tennis Wick, Sonoma County 

Charmaine Curtis, Curtis Development