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Media Coverage

 Casita Coalition in the News

San Diego City Council weighs changes to ADU program

Casita Coalition CEO Noerena Limon urges Council to refer to Land Use Committee and preserve beneficial program components


Build The Middle Playbook

Middle housing has long been a part of the American landscape. Duplexes, townhomes, bungalow courts, and other neighborhood-scale home types allowed families from all economic backgrounds to thrive in a community. But decades of exclusionary zoning and over 100 years of governmental focus on single detached houses have limited available housing options. By reimagining our neighborhoods, millions of new homes can be added to meaningfully address the housing supply shortage and the affordability challenges it creates.

A Powerful New Resource!

We partnered with Zillow and wrote a Playbook of proven strategies!

Press Releases

Casita Coalition Welcomes Noerena Limón as New CEO- A Visionary Leader Advancing Housing Equity and Affordability: Casita Coalition proudly announces Noerena Limón as its new Chief Executive Officer. With an unwavering commitment to expanding homeownership, housing supply, and advancing racial equity. Noerena brings a wealth of experience and visionary leadership to the organization’s helm. Her appointment marks an exciting new chapter for Casita Coalition as the organization advances its mission to solve the housing crisis by building the middle housing ecosystem through a multi-pronged approach.

San Jose Homeowners Can Now Sell Their Accessory Dwelling Unit Because of New State Law: Assemblymember Phil Ting (D-San Francisco), Mayor Matt Mahan and Casita Coalition highlighted a new path to affordable home ownership today under a local ordinance that took effect this week. This Silicon Valley city became the first in California to opt into AB 1033 by Ting, allowing property owners to sell their accessory dwelling units (ADUs) as a condominium, separately from their main house. Both would then have shared obligations, but separate titles.

Casita Coalition Announces Support of Critical AB 2533 Legislation to Provide Improved Amnesty for Unpermitted Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs): This week, Casita Coalition sponsored Asm Juan Carrillo’s AB 2533 legislation, which provides critical amnesty protections for homeowners who currently have an unpermitted or informal ADU home on their property, by making improvements to the existing amnesty process and by lowering costs to bring legalization within reach for lower-resourced homeowners.

Sen. Blakespear Aims To Streamline Approval Of Housing In Coastal Zones With 2 New Bills: Casita Coalition Board President Rafael Perez shares about Casita-supported SB 1077, a bill that will simplify the permitting process for adding ADUs and JADUs to residential properties in the coastal zone by exempting projects not near natural resources from Coastal Development Permit (CDP) requirements.

CA’s Housing Supply Gets a Boost With Governor’s Signature On Ting Bills: “Signing AB 1033 into law will help families burdened by high housing costs. Our children won’t have to move out of state to purchase a home; employers will be able to attract and retain workers who would otherwise leave our state due to lack of affordable homes; and elders who want to downsize and stay in their communities will have new options,” said Denise Pinkston, President of the Casita Coalition.

Casita Coalition Announces Inaugural Policy Convening: Legislators and key housing policy changemakers will convene to build the middle housing ecosystem. Presented by Wells Fargo and hosted by Casita Coalition, Build the Middle: A National Housing Convening will take place November 2-4, 2023 at Liberty Station Conference Center in San Diego. This invitational working convening sponsored by Meta and Zillow, among others, will gather a powerful and diverse group of housing policy leaders from around North America to examine successful policy shifts, share strategies, mentor new housing leaders, and continue building the middle housing national movement.

ADUs Could Play Greater Role In CA’s Housing Crisis As a Result of Ting’s Bills & Budget Action: “California’s leadership on ADUs is crucial for homeowners who cannot achieve their ADU dreams alone. The Casita Coalition is proud to partner with legislative leaders by sponsoring bills that promote greater financing options and policies for homeowners, families, and critical workers. This collaboration leads to more and better housing choices. We want to express our appreciation to Assemblymember Ting for his generational leadership on ADU bills and for defending the ADU Grant Program,” said Denise Pinkston, President of The Casita Coalition.

San Jose, CA becomes the first city in California to implement AB1033!

 "As homebuyers across the state face an extreme shortage of starter home inventory, we applaud Mayor Mahan and the City of San Jose for creating new possibilities for homeownership, Board President of the Casita Coalition. ADU condos have proven successful elsewhere, providing much-needed inventory that is more affordable than traditional single-family homes. Families in San Jose will now have more options for housing themselves and other generations on properties with an ADU. We hope other cities and counties will follow San Jose's lead!” 

-Rafael Perez, Casita Coalition Board Chair

Casita Coalition Board Chair, Rafael Perez, speaks to Univision in Spanish on the impact of ADUs as starter homes under San Jose’s newly implemented AB 1033.

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Media Inquiries

For interview, speaker requests, or other media inquiries please email Ruby Solis Vitatoe, Casita Coalition Director of Communications at Ruby@casitacoalition.org